Time sure flies by when you're doing the Lord's work!! I often consider the last time I made a post and all the things that has happened since then. I want to make sure that my posts are meaty and filling!! I want to make sure that when we go back to reread the posts that we can see clearly all the miracles and blessings that are upon this ministry.
I promise you that this post is going to be super filling with all the pictures and videos I have to share.
Since my last post, the ministry has been blessed with a condo. Yes, a condo. Seems quite extravagant but I can assure you, it will become a huge blessing not only for me but for everyone!! I was able to use furniture that we had in our Laguna Beach house; transported using our stock trailer. Mickey, Sam and Zach came with me for this 2 day quick turn around mission. There were blessings all over this trip!!! From the drive there, to space for parking the truck and trailer on the cul-de-sac, the elevator working the entire time (normally breaks down after one trip), plenty of help from my son Keith and my friend Lisa, help turning the truck and trailer around to leave, leaving at exactly the time planned, you name it, we were blessed by it!!! Praise the Lord.
We had our first condo party to celebrate April Birthdays. We were supposed to have a pool party but it was too rainy and cool out so we stayed in the condo. We had so much fun laughing like we always do when we get together. We also had our second party to celebrate May birthday's, and this time, we were able to have a BBQ and pool party. Again, what a great time to fellowship!!! Always lots and lots of horsey talk. Pictures are below from both of our parties.
On May 12th, Mina was born. Since Breehia's due date was May 5, we were keeping constant watch for signs of her being ready to give birth. Twice a day, every day, we were checking. The biggest sign that we were looking for was wax on her teats. Some websites said though that not all mares would get that so we weren't entirely sure if we would see that on Breehia or not. Saturday afternoon things looked super promising. She was twitching her tail a lot and kicking at her belly so I called everyone and Dawn, Crystal, Amanda and Alan showed up for an all-nighter. Needless to say, we didn't sleep at all and no baby. Ughhhh. Mother's Day came and went and still no baby. On Monday morning, I saw a ton of wax on Breehia teats which is supposed to mean the baby would come within 24 hours. I was not budging from that point on until the baby came.
I set up camp with a pop up shade cover and I also brought the stock trailer down in case we needed to sleep there for another all-nighter.
It was around 5:00 pm when things started to get very interesting. Fluids we're coming out of Breehia from every direction. I knew it had to be soon. I saw her lay down once and get up at which time I knew she was getting close. Then around 6:00 p.m. she laid down again and I hurried to her with my camcorder and my phone. She was giving birth. I started the camcorder right away and began texting the group. One leg, than two legs... Mary Lynn texts "pics please" so I was able to take pictures and videos and text them to the group at the same time keeping the camcorder rolling. Praise The Lord. Below is an hour of you tube videos of the birth, standing and nursing and all the other commotion that was going on along with it!!! For some reason, I just do not believe that this was a normal experience for our dear Breehia. From flashes, horses banging the fence, dogs barking, oh my goodness. This filly is going to be so accustomed to noise lol and people, horses, dogs.......
As of today, Mina is 3 weeks old. She's been handled from 1 1/2 days old; she's had a photo shoot with all of our participants; she is halter trained; picks up all of her hooves. She's been brushed, scrubbed and vibrated with the clippers. She's also been administered tubed supplements!! And now she's close to leading next to Breehia like a big girl without her figure 8 collar on.
All of this is on videos and pictures below.
Her daddy's owner has seen her run and says that she has great confirmation and she will be quick and fast, faster than any speed we will ever need.
Oh and before I forget to mention this, The Lord gave me revelation that I had not known before. I am currently teaching a lesson on living an Extraordinary Life which is well pleasing to the Lord; and today, as I was preparing for this week, The Lord showed me that the gifts we all have been given equally from the mind of Christ, the armor of God, the name of Jesus, foundation faith, the promises of God and the list goes on....are all called mina's!!! Can you seriously believe how awesome God is???? Tears of astonishment, gratitude, thanksgiving, awe, honor....... But now, what ARE WE going to do with the minas God has given us???

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